How To Search For Scholarships Tips Online

Searching for scholarship tips online is one of the most difficult searches on the internet but we will give you tips on how to get reliable information when crawling the internet. learn how to search for scholarships online.

before we start, let’s explain the types of scholarships we have

Merit-based scholarships

These types of scholarships are the usual scholarships we have, which are being awarded by institutions or the university where an applicant chooses to study.

merit-based scholarships are given or awarded based on academic grade performance and other extra activities like labor, skills, talents, and hard work.

Specified scholarships

This type of scholarship is being awarded for a specific purpose, not unlike the merit-based scholarship where an individual needs to meet certain academic criteria.

but the specific scholarships are awarded based on gender, race, religion, tribe, disabilities, and special reasons. for example, the Omega Power Ministry Scholarships which is being offered by religious organizations for applicant to study outside the shores of Nigeria.

Need-based scholarships

The need-based scholarships are majorly designed or made for indigent students who are financially changed, indigent means students who can not afford the academic processes. in other countries, this kind of scholarship is referred to as a grant. for example, scholarships are given to children affected by the Boko haram insurgency can be referred to as need-based scholarships because most of the children are orphans who can not train themselves in schools

Student prizes

Students’ prizes are not really scholarships but are kind of awards won by students to help in paying tuition fees in a particular session of the student school year. These awards can be won many times as long as the student is able to win.

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How to search for scholarships tips online

  1. Register newsletters on the scholarship’s website: newsletters are forms that are on the scholarship’s website, fill out these forms to get updates and alerts and updates on new scholarships.
  2. Internet Search engine: from time to time, it is advised to always search the internet for new scholarships by private and public institutions on the internet. it will be very difficult to get information about all the latest scholarships. but with search engines like Google, Bing, Yandex, and others, it is very easy to get updates when applying for scholarships.
  3. Social Media: Social media like Facebook and Instagram is a big platform where organizations alert the public of certain kinds of scholarships they are offering. so it is advisable for scholarship seekers to always follow these big organizations throughout all their social media handles. for example, MTN always alerts the public through their Facebook page about their current assistance like the MTN Foundation scholarships, so people who are usually with them (MTN online) usually get the news first before it circulates.


Searching for scholarships online is not the matter because there are thousands of scholarships online which few of them are not actually scholarships but baits for visitors to visit some websites or some could be true but not fully scholarships. so it is advisable to always follow organizations on their social media handles to get information on when there will be public offers.

For example search for organizations that give scholarships and follow them.

examples of these organizations are

  • U.S Lottery
  • NNPC
  • MTN
  • TEF
  • Countries embassies
  • Google Africa