Secrets Used In Passing Examination

Exams is not the test of ones ability to prove what he or she understood. many students in campuses have been reading excessively without getting any significant improvements in their grades or exams records. in this article, we will point out the only secrets used in passing examination successfully without excess study.

Take your time to read carefully and know why you don’t necessarily need to read the whole day to understand what is your books.

What Is Exam?

Before we start digging deep, lets know the meaning of exam or examination.

according to the dictionary, it is explained that an exam is a formal test that a student takes to show his or her knowledge in a particular course of study or subject in order to obtain a grade or qualification.

There are many types of exams either a practical exam or a paper exam. for example in medical schools, a student doctor will look at a body of an ill patient, the doctor feels it, or does a simple test in order to know the status of the sick patient. but not all fields of study apply to such practical exams.

This will take us to look into the types of exams we have

  • Subjective Exam
  • Objective Exam
  • Internal Exam
  • Diagnostic Exam
  • Placement Exam
  • Progressive/Achievement Exam

10 Things You Should Never Do Before Exams

We will point out 10 things you should avoid before exams, most of our points were gotten from Let’stute Video. You can check their Youtube video for more info on things you should never do before exams.

#1. Do Not Use Social Media

When preparing for an exam, the very best distraction to stay away from should be social media. Social media has a lot of distraction in it. A “Hi” message you send to a friend could spark up 4 hours of communication which might be entirely useless causing you not to utilize your limited time to prepare for an exam. so the best way to avoid social media distraction is to put off your phone or computer that can easily lure you to check for notifications or messages while trying to prepare for an exam.

#2. Stop Comparing Your Study Level With Others

What I meant by stop comparing your study level with others typically means stop asking your friend if he or she has covered a particular level of reading. These perceptions from you might give you thoughts that you have not read enough and there is not enough time. it is advisable to read early just to avoid time tensions.\

#3. Do Not Change Book At The Last Minute

One big mistake so many students make is changing books just a few hours to an exam, some students do such because they saw another student reading a similar textbook different from what they have been trying to study, and the confused student rush to get the similar book he or she saw with another student. but he or she fails to understand that the student reading another similar book could be trying to make more research because he or she might have already read the original classroom book. so, as a student, never allow indecision bring confuse you, always prepare for battle in time, not at the battlefront.

#4. Avoid Procrastination

Academic procrastination is the act of delaying reading your book. many students end up failing exams because they were procrastinating when to open their books and read them. as a student you are advised to set a meaningful timetable that will direct you when it is time to read. because a student without a reading timetable will always find it hard to get time to read his or her books.

#5. Do Not Be Influenced By Others Timetable

As I stated that procrastination has a bad effect on exam failure especially when the student doesn’t have a timetable so also a student who is being influenced by another student’s timetable might fail. because student academic capacities are of different levels. so every student should set a timetable that favors him or her instead of copying other people reading timetables.

#6. Do Not Change Timetable At The Last Minute

Having a timetable is the perfect way to prepare a student for the exam, but not change your timetable because of your friend. do what suits you and your brain. I have seen many students who start reading the easy courses first before thinking of reading the hard ones as the exam approaches. so don’t get influenced by another timetable. just set your own and make sure that your timetable will shoot you to excellence.

#7. Spend More Time Revising Your Books

90 percent of students are not very intelligent to pass exams without reading or revising their books before the exam. so as a student, it is very advisable to read early and have enough time to also revise your books, by doing such, it gives you the student firm knowledge and more guarantee of academic success.

#8. Pay Attention To Diagram and Illustrations

Reading your whole book for the exam should never be selective. students should pay rigorous attention to all diagrams, tables, and illustrations in their books. diagrams give you a clear understanding of what you might be reading. do not skip any diagram or illustration without paying full attention to them to understand their relationships with what you are reading.

#9. Do Not Eat Hard To Digest Food

As exam approaches, students are advised to eat easy-to-digest foods. stay away from hard-to-digest foods or foods that can easily give you a running stomach. because when you start having issues with your stomach, then it is a big distraction because you will be running around looking for solutions and by doing such time is been wasted. so don’t eat hard meals or meals that can easily create stomach aches for you.

#10. Get Sufficient Sleep Before Exam

Scarifying enjoyment for academic success is very good. but as a student, do not play with your health, your health is very vital to you. after reading for so long, make sure you sleep for about four to five hours before the exam. do not oversleep to miss your exam, you can set an alarm to notify you when it is time. sleep builds very vital hormones in your body, especially in your brain and it helps you to relax and refresh your memory.

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Secrets Used In Passing Exams/Test successfully Without Excess Study

One of the major secret used to pass exam successfully without excess study are:

  • Study your department’s previous exam questions
  • Read before being thought
  • Convert fun period to studying period
  • Read like tomorrow is your exam
  • Organize a tutorial group of students
  • Avoid out of academic pressure. (intimate relationships)


Every successful person on earth has secrets that they were able to use as principles. so students should pay rigorous attention to their academic duties and also follow what I wrote in this article in other to have successful academic goals.

If you find this article helpful, kindly share it to people who you think needs it. by doing such you are saving someone from falling into academic ditch.

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