Latest USA/American University That Accepts HND For Masters Degree

Latest USA/American University That Accepts HND For Masters Degree

Latest USA/American University That Accepts HND For Masters Degree. You are going to know about the Latest USA/America Universities that accepts HND for masters degree.

International students who wish to further their master’s degree education in America with qualification of Higher National Diploma or pass degree qualification can apply and see the latest USA/America universities that accept HND and pass for masters degree studies.

Before we start listing the schools that accept HND for masters, let’s define what is HND. Keep reading to see a list of UK universities that accepts HND results for master’s admission.

What is HND?

Higher National Diploma (HND) was an educational system that was designed by the British government many years ago to promote industrializations but the British educational system no longer practice Higher National Diploma in their institutions.

But here are list of countries that still practice Higher National Diploma

Nigeria, Ghana, India, Finland, Malta and Burkina Faso

List of USA/American Universities that Accepts HND for Masters Degree

  • East Tennessee State University
  • North Dakota State University.
  •  University of Vermont.
  •  Cleveland State University.
  •  Western Washington University.
  •  University of Central Florida.
  •  Bowling Green State University.
  •  Old Dominion University.
  •  University of Houston, Clear Lake.
  •  Central Michigan University.
  •  University of Hawaii, Manoa.
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Illinois State University. 
  • University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. Arkansas State University. 
  • Southern A & M University. 
  • Eastern Illinois University. 
  • Indiana State University. 
  • Georgia College and State University. Youngstown State University.
  •  Montana State University 
  • Marshall University 
  • Humboldt State University. 
  • Wichita State University.
  •  University of South Carolina. University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
  •  TAMUK. 
  • University of Minnesota, Duluth.
  •  Western Illinois University. University of Central Missouri.
  •  University of Missouri, St Louis.
  •  Georgia State University. University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. 
  • Auburn University of Montgomery. University of Memphis(Computer Science dept.) 
  • University of South Dakota. 
  • University of Houston, Clear Lake.
  •  Central Michigan University. University of Hawaii, Manoa.
  •  Jacksonville State University. Southern Illinois University.
  •  University of Detroit, Mercy.
  •  Western Oregon University.
  •  California State University, Sacramento.
  •  California State University, Fresno.
  •  California State University, Ponoma. University of California, Merced.
  •  Clark University. 
  • Western Kentucky University.
  •  Louisiana Tech University.
  •  University of Northern Colorado. 
  • Valley University. 

Converting HND Certificate to Masters Degree

Country like Nigeria where there is high discrimination between the higher national diploma (HND) holders and the degree holders, it has caused many HND certificate holders to find a means of converting their HND certificate into a masters degree certificate. here is how it works

Most Universities set and open admission for HND holders to apply for automatic admission into two (3) three hundred level but many universities in the US gives master’s degree admission with HND result which is being discriminated in many countries.

Also see UK universities that accept HND for masters degree


Studying HND is the best for industrialization and it promotes technological developments. Getting an HND certificate is very useful in life and also having a masters degree from a University is very good.

We hope that this write-up will answer your questions.